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Thinner 410

Thinner 410

Thinner 410

Price:   € 3.04 (inc. VAT)
Ink Quantity:

SKU(s): inkS410, ZTS410


Recommended for stamping inks CO 4713 and Luminous stamping ink II.
Available immediately.

Alcohol based solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and diluting to desired viscosity.

Recommended for stamping inks CO 4713 and Luminous stamping ink II.

Thinning instructions: Pour a quantity of ink into a container, add a small quantity of thinner and stir. Continue to add small amounts of thinner until desired viscosity is reached.

Caution: Diluting too highly can lead to loss of important physical properties such as adhesion, covering capacity or colour intensity!

Available immediately.