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Stamping ink R9 FP

Stamping ink R9 FP

Stamping ink R9 FP

Price:   € 71.66 (inc. VAT)
Ink Colour:
Ink Quantity:

SKU(s): inkR9FP, ZTR9/FP


Stamping ink for marking of foodstuff packaging - plastic bags, yogurt covers, glass bottles and milk cartons. Developed to meet current EU Guidelines. Slower drying than 8100FP.
Available immediately.

Stamping ink for marking of foodstuff packaging. Slower drying than 8100 FP. Developed to meet current EU Guidelines.
Only dyes are used which satisfy EU Resolution AP(89)1 and Guideline 2001/62/EG.

This stamping ink provides intensely coloured and well adhering imprints.

Foodstuffs packages, such as plastic bags, yogurt covers, glass bottles and milk cartons can continue to be treated quickly following marking without smearing the markings.

Drying time: ~5-8 min.

Stamp material: Rubber and some photopolymers.

Stamp pad material: Felt plate pads for manual marking. For automatic printing flexographic presses with ink reservoirs are recommended.

Thinner 405.

Available immediately.